About the Journal

Title | IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education|
ISSN | 2580-5711 |
Scientific areas | Multidisciplinary Issues related to Education – |Applied Education | Traditional Value Education | Art Education | Religion Education | History Education | Native Education | Health and Medical Education | Tourism Education | Local and Foreign Language Education| Marginalized People Education| Technology Education in Indonesia and around the world|

Frequency| Biannually (June and December)|

Publication Fee| $200| Starting from 2024, publishing in IRJE will be charged, But free for researchers, lecturers, students whose affiliations have an MoU with IRJE or Universitas Jambi. The fee is intended for taking care of language issues, the references, citations, writing mechanism, and formatting.

Language| English

Indexed| ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 2, Google Scholar

 IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to publish multidisciplinary issues related to education starting  from applied education, traditional value education, health and medical education, tourism education to local and foreign language education  in Indonesia and around the world. IRJE is a biannual, open access, peer-reviewed, and international e-journal, published in Indonesia. We accept unpublished, high quality, and original research manuscripts in English, resulting primarily from quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methodology related to or associated with multidisciplinary issues in education. IRJE is published 2 times per year by Universitas Jambi. All research articles appearing in IRJE have undergone a thoroughly blind peer-review.

|Applied Education| covers issues such as Agricultural & Resource Economics, Argumentation and Advocacy, Leadership and Coalition Building in Diverse Communities, Equity and Education, Foundations of Cultural Competence, Applied Child Development, Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Thinking, Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Civic Engagement, Community Service, Service-Learning, Internships

|Traditional Value Education| includes curriculum and cultural heritage, conventional education or customary education, educational techniques of traditional education, Traditional and Cultural Values in education.

|Art Education| includes explorations of theory and practice in the areas of art production, art criticism, music education, aesthetics, art history, human development, curriculum and instruction, and assessment.

|Religion Education| covers the areas of civic understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education in public life including beliefs, doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles in traditional and secular worldviews.

|History Education| publishes original research on all periods of history of education from all parts of the nations including education in primitive and early civilized cultures. Papers are related with the history of schooling at all levels.

|Health and Medical Education| accepts research papers that are practically relevant and advance conceptual understanding of Health and Medical Education issues, reflecting worldwide or provocative issues and perspectives including innovation in curriculum development, student-centered learning, faculty development, assessment, and learning resources in health professions education

| Tourism Education | accepts papers exploring all levels of hospitality and tourism education through the presentation of issues and opinions pertinent to the field including  recent development of technologies in tourism education, curriculum design in tourism education, tourism non-formal and informal education.

|Local and Foreign Language Education| accepts papers related to the language teaching, language policy, multilingualism, applied linguistics, English, Indonesian, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian language teaching and other local and foreign languages.

|Marginalized People Education| accepts papers discussing about the educational issues of the underserved, disregarded, ostracized, harassed, persecuted, or sidelined groups in the community. Possible papers include but are not limited to immigrants, refugees, and migrants, women and girls, victims of human trafficking, people struggling with mental illness, children and youth, people of differing sexual orientations, people of differing religions, people with developmental delays, those with a physical disability, incarcerated people (and their families), people released from incarceration, people of low socioeconomic status, unemployed people, people of a particular ethnicity/country of origin, people with a differing political orientation. 

|Technology Education in Indonesia and around the world| accepts papers exploring about digital learning objects, social media for learning, innovative pedagogies, learning models, learning analytics, service learning, active learning, impact of technology use related to education, collaborative technologies applied to education or instruction, life-long education, distance education and moocs, online systems in support of education, educational simulations and games, virtual and augmented reality systems, multimedia in education.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): IRJE |Indonesian Research Journal in Education| in Progress|
Published: 2024-06-30


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We are proud to announce that IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education) is currently indexed by:

(a) the Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Number B/3351/E5/E5.2.1/2019 on October 11, 2019. SINTA 2 (Science and Technology Index), delivers access to citations and expertise in Indonesia, web-based research information system offering fast access, easy and comprehensive to measure the performance of researchers, institutions and journals in Indonesia. Sinta provides benchmarks and analysis, identification of research strength of each institution to develop collaborative partnerships, to analyze the trend of research and expert directories.

(b). DOAJ on 2 May 2018. DOAJ's mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language. DOAJ will work with editors, publishers and journal owners to help them understand the value of best practice publishing and standards and to apply those to their own operations. DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and maintaining its primary services and metadata as free to use or reuse for everyone.

(c) ERIH PLUS on 2020-01-27. ERIH PLUS (originally called the European Reference Index for the Humanities or ERIH) is an index holding bibliographic information on academic journals in the Social Sciences and Humanities (HSS). The aim of the index is to increase visibility, searchability and availability of the HSS. ERIH PLUS is an online service, and it grants updated data on European journals. The main target group of the index are researchers and research within a European framework. To the extend which the index holds journals from other parts of the world, it is because they are assumed to add value to the ERIH PLUS main target group and scope.